December 2020 Update
Over the last few months we've made a variety of improvements to NeuroVisual Trainer that we're excited to share with you.
New Exercises: Flat Vergence & Flat Jump Duction
We've launched a pair of new exercises. Flat Vergence and Flat Jump Duction are useful in cases where Random Dot vergence activites are too difficult. Features include:
- Convergence and Divergence activities
- A wide variety of targets (rings circles, squares, vectographs)
- Various textures to help patients achieve fusion
- Smoth movements of target to furthur help acheive fusion
- Stereo vectographs, which can also be used for in-clinic discussion about depth
- More customizable options such as fusion markers, central targets, or and bounded random jumps.
New Features
- You can now export patient progress reports into external CSV or JSON files
- More videos now come with descriptions
- The Random Dot exercises now supports up to 10,000 arcseconds of depth
- All reading exercises now support extra large font sizes
- Full color anaglyph images for in-clinic discussions with the patient about depth. These can be found under "TOOLS".
- Find a new printable McDonald card under Printable Sheets in “Tools” to help your patients develop peripheral awareness
- Printable keys in for the Slap Tap exercises
Bug Fixes
- Better overall iPad user experience
- Improved keyboard experience on iPad
- Added video for the Left-Right Constancy Video Exercise
- Improved Tachistoscope instructions with the option to hide
- There was a confusing answer in "The Red Cross" reading text, so we removed it for a clearer experience for your patients
- More accurate levelling indicator in assigned exercises
- Improved scoring accuracy in Motion Detection
Example Vectographs and Full Colour Images
Below is a small sample of our growing collection of vectograph and full-colour anaglyph images. The vectographs are designed for good cancellation and can be found in the Flat Vergence and Flat Jump Duction exercises. The full-colour anaglyph images are designed for developing patient interest in stereo vision and can be found under "TOOLS".