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June 2020 Update

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Patrick Hayes June 3, 2020


The last few months of working with Vision Therapy clinics around the world has been gratifying. The NeuroVisual Trainer community has so many great people with so much knowledge to share. We want to update you with what we've learned, and some of your requested features we've added. There will always be more to come!

What we've learned from working with you:

  • Activity changes will first go into Beta mode so you can test and try them with patients (you also keep the old version).

  • Computer screens are limited for stereopsis. If you need really fine stereopsis, the distance from the computer has to increase.

  • You are awesome at helping us find and fix bugs. We have tracked down most of them, and continue to polish the program. Thank you!

  • Optometrists and Vision therapists are survivors. We can't believe how many awesome clinics are making VT work despite COVID-19.

New Features since the last update:

  • High resolution Random Dot activities!
  • Stereoacuity testing
  • Motion Detection Activity (great for peripheral awareness!)
  • Fast Match game
  • Circle-Triangles printable sheets
  • 17 new Primitive Reflex Videos
  • Reading texts have undergone another round of professional editing and are much improved

We're all supporting each other

After years of proving the platform through site testing, we launched our program for free in April to help OD's get through COVID-19. We've had so many sign ups that we decided to extend our COVID Free Trial to July 31st, 2020.

Your doctor, admin and therapist accounts will stay free! A low monthly fee per active patient is charged directly to your clinic. When you’ve completed work with a patient, their account can be archived at no cost, and their data/results will stay intact. See the billing section at the top right of your home page for details.

Your support will help us develop the amazing ideas so many of you have submitted. It will also help us launch our low-income and expand our developing nation initiatives.

Stay safe, and have fun changing lives through vision therapy.