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Interactive Exercises

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Saccadic Arrows

To be able to quickly fixate, recognize a symbol, and turn it into a quick and accurate action. This activity also helps to develop the ability to use a larger volume of space at one time (looking softly helps one quickly find the arrows).

Phoria Test

Unassociated Phoria Tests, centrally, 9 points of gaze, and with head-tilt.

  • Nine Points of Gaze
  • Central Only
  • Three Step

Random Dot Jump Duction Divergence (Base In)

Practice changing fixation between a near and distant target. To increase the eyes ability to diverge and to develop better binocular function.

Line Maze

Encourages smooth eye movements (tracking) and attention to a select area of space (spacial organization). Has a memory component that develops visual memory and recall.


Develop a variety of visual skills such as pursuits, saccades, and visual prediction. Can optionally be used to train peripheral vision.

  • Basic
  • Ordered Numbers"
  • Finger Follow

Exploratory Flat Jump Duction

Jump Duction Convergence and Divergence without randot

  • Convergence (Base Out)
  • Divergence (Base In)
  • BI / BO
  • Random Jumps

Stereoacuity Testing

Determine the smallest detectable depth difference that can be seen with binocular vision.

Jumble Scan

Enhance visual scanning and searching. Also trains figure–ground descrimination.

Motion Detection

Enhance central-peripheral visual integration skills for fine targets.

Reading Speed

Determine your reading speed in Words per Minute and gain a base level of your reading comprehension or retention.

Binocular Reading

Encourages binocular participation by separating your visual channels through the use of red / blue glasses. By having a specific task (reading), it is easier to notice when one or both eyes have stopped ‘paying attention’.

Associated Phoria Test

Associated Phoria Test, centrally, 9 points of gaze, and with head-tilt.

  • Nine Points of Gaze
  • Central Only
  • Three Step

Random Dot Jump Vergence (In / Out)

Practice changing fixation between a near and distant target. To increase the eyes ability to switch from converging to diverging and to develop better binocular function.

Exploratory Vectographs

Explore stereo shapes and vergence

  • Convergence (Base Out)
  • Divergence (Base In)
  • BI / BO
  • Random Jumps

Visual Memory

Continue to develop visualization skills in the form of visual memory.

Fast Match

Develop visual memory and tracking quickly and accurately.

Sequential Recall

Develop the ability to take in information from a large volume of space at a single instant. This will help improve reading speeds as well as being able to quickly assess critical time dependent situations in life.

Line Reading

Read text one line at a time.

Smooth Pursuit Response

Enhance the ability to respond to visual stimulus and predict location.

  • Left to Right / Right to Left
  • Left to Right
  • Right to Left
  • Top to Bottom / Bottom to Top
  • Top to Bottom
  • Bottom to Top

Random Dot Jump Duction Convergence (Base Out)

Practice changing fixation between a near and distant target. To increase the eyes ability to converge and to develop better binocular function.

Random Dot Divergence (Base In)

Increase the eyes ability to diverge and to develop better binocular function.

Random Dot Vertical

Increase the eye’s ability to move up and down in order to bring the eyes into alignment. To develop better binocular function.

Static Reading

Develop the ability to recognize words quickly with short exposure time.


Acquire the ability to take in visual information and enhance the ability to recall the visual stimulus.

  • Shapes
  • Words
  • Numbers

Random Dot Vertical Jump Duction

Increase the eye’s ability to move up and down at varying levels of difficultly. To develop better binocular function and eye alignment.

Peripheral Chart

Enhance central-peripheral integration skills and awareness.

  • No Interaction
  • Select Flashing
  • Select Focus


Provides the opportunity to predict the path of a moving object in space.  It continues to work on eye tracking and coordination of motor movements.


Develops the ability to sustain attention and react only with movement while measuring reaction time.


Develop the ability to perform a central visual task while being aware of and attending to peripheral stimuli.

Window Reading

Practice the left-to-right eye tracking involved in reading and increase reading speed.

Exploratory Flat Vergence

Convergence and Divergence without randot

  • Convergence (Base Out)
  • Divergence (Base In)

Visual Auditory Integration

Match an auditory stimuli into a visual representation of that stimuli.

Random Dot Convergence (Base Out)

Increase the eyes ability to converge and to develop better binocular function.

Video Exercises

You can also upload your own custom video exercises

Line Tracing

Develop tracking and attention within select area of space

Parquetry Blocks - Templates

Strengthen visual spatial skills and understanding

Parquetry Blocks - Build & Describe

Strengthen understanding of laterality and directionality

Anaglyph Hart Chart

Strengthen fusion between the two eyes

Walking Rail

Develop body awareness, gross motor control and sense of laterality and directionality

Parquetry Blocks - Sequential Memory

Learn to recall visual information in the correct order


Strengthen yours eyes ability to work together

Anaglyph Chart Walkbacks

Reduce visual suppression at various distances

Ball Bunting (Unpatched - 4 variations)

Improve your ability to track a moving object and fine tune hand-eye coordination

Perceptual Speed

Develop quick and accurate visual memory and tracking

Cross Pattern Walking

Develop gross motor skills and coordination

Look Hard Look Soft

Develop your ability to focus and give your full and complete attention to one specific spot

Circle Triangle Doubles

Further develop the concept of left and right as well as improving motor-planning skills.

2 or 4 object jump

Develop accurate rapid eye movements (saccades)

CP Saccades (Version 2)

Develop proper skills of peripheral awareness and gross motor coordination

Syntonics - Light

Develop accurate eye tracking, teaming and focus skills

Central Peripheral Awareness Card

Improve your ability to engage peripheral vision

Ball Games - 3 Circles and Catch

Develop accurate tracking and hand-eye coordination

Coin Circles (Version 2)

Develop fine motor control and near spatial awareness

Parquetry Blocks - Memory

Strengthen skills of visual memory

Binocular Minus Distance Rock

Reduce visual suppression at various distances

Thumb Overlap

Increase the volume of space you can attend to at once.

Mazes (Patched)

Direct attention within a specific area of space

Draw on Back

Develop skills of visualization and visual memory

See 3 Coins

Strengthen accurate and sustained skills of divergence and convergence

Overlapping Pictures (Version 2: solid and clear)

Strengthen accuracy of eye teaming skill


Symmetrical Tonic Neck Reflex

  • Level 1 - Cat Stretch
  • Level 2 - Series
  • Testing

Slap Tap (Version 1)

Develops directionality by embedding a strong sense of left and right

Ball Games - Look and Catch

Develop accurate tracking and hand-eye coordination

Egg Carton Toss

Develop fine motor control and tracking

Chalkboard Circle Trace

Develop fixation ability and fine motor skills

Red Letter

Embed a correct understanding of left and right

Circle Line Jumping

Develop the concept of left and right as well as improving motor-planning skills.

Arrow Chart

Integrate visual information processing with laterality and directionality awareness

Parquetry Blocks - Direct Match

Strengthen visual spatial skills and understanding

Bug on String

Strengthen ability to accurately team the eyes together

Binocular Accommodation On Novel

Strengthen eye focus flexibility while reading

Harry's Blocks

Enhance visual perceptual skill. Also known as Parquetry Transformations.

CP Saccades (Version 1)

Develop proper skills of peripheral awareness and gross motor coordination

Monocular Prism Jump

Develop awareness of the feeling of accurate eye movement

Randolph Shuffle

Develop body awareness, gross motor control and sense of laterality and directionality.

Rotating Forms

Develops visualization and the ability to determine the correct orientation of letters.

Letter Tracking (Version 2 - aka Ann Arbor)

Develop proper eye movement skill and figure-ground differentiation

Vectogram / Tranaglyph

Strengthen accurate and sustained skills of divergence and convergence

Physiological Diplopia

Develop understanding of the visual cues when accurately converging or diverging you eyes

VO Star

Develop and guide an understanding of visual space

Pegboard (Rotating)

Develop accurate eye tracking and fine motor skill

Greenwald Eye Movements

Enhance the integration between head and eye movements


Direct attention within a specific area of space


Improve accuracy and endurance in your eye’s ability to focus

Marble Roll

Develop accurate eye tracking and fine motor skill

Bean Bag Toss

Develop proper integration of head, eyes and body movements

Marble Pie Tin

Develop fine motor control and tracking

Chalkboard Circle Trace (2 arms)

Develop fixation ability and fine motor skills

Right Left Constancy

Embed a correct understanding of left and right

Column Jumping

Strengthen accuracy of rapid eye movements

Estimating Distances

Improve understanding of visual size and space

Chalkboard Racetracks - Version 1

Develop the ability to maintain sustained, accurate direction of action


Develop body awareness, gross motor control and sense of laterality and directionality

4 Corner

Develop accurate rapid eye movements (saccades)

Flashlight Pointing

Improve peripheral awareness while doing a task

Anaglyph Figure 8

Improve fusion between the eyes while in motion

Gaze Stabilization

Improves and integrates vestibular and visual stimulation while maintaining balance

Eye Control

Improve your ability to fixate on and follow a target

Balance Sequence

Develop body awareness, gross motor control and sense of laterality and directionality

Grip Sensory Work

Learn to use your hand most efficiently while writing

Parquetry Blocks - Flipped

Strengthen visual spatial skills and understanding of laterality and directionality

Vertical Prism Dissociation

Strengthen accurate eye teaming skills at a range of distances


Asymmetrical Tonic Neck Reflex

  • Level 1 - Eat the Ball
  • Level 2 - Stair Climber
  • Testing

Cheiroscopic Tracing

Strengthen fusion between the two eyes and build fine motor skill

Parquetry Blocks - Build in Another Place

Strengthen skills of visual memory

Barrel Card

Strengthen eye teaming and fusion skill

Circle Line Jump (Version 1)

Develop the concepts of left and right as well as improve motor planning skills

Ball Bunting (Patched)

Develop accurate eye-hand coordination skill

Motor Equivalents

Develop integration of central and peripheral vision

Saccades Training Book

Develop accurate rapid eye movements (saccades)

Spinal Galant Reflex

Integrate spinal galant reflex to assist with motor coordination and reduce impulsivity

  • Level 1 - Angels
  • Testing

Circle Square

Develop the concept of left and right as well as improving motor-planning skills

Letter Tracking (aka Ann Arbor)

Develop proper eye movement skill and figure-ground differentiation

Syntonics - Parasympathetic

Develop accurate eye tracking, teaming and focus skills

Mental Minus

Develop conscious control of the focusing mechanism of your eyes

Road Map

Develop motor planning and visualization skill

Ball Games - Circles Around Head

Develop accurate tracking and hand-eye coordination

Body Lifts

Develop body awareness, gross motor control and sense of laterality and directionality,

Hart Chart - Near and Far

Develop accurate control of the accommodative muscle

Mystery Bag

Enhance visual-tactile integration and visualization skill


Develop gross motor control and sense of laterality and directionality

Grip Application

Master fine motor control

Aperture Rule Trainer

Strengthen skills of convergence and divergence

Chalkboard Racetracks - Version 2

Develop the ability to maintain sustained, accurate direction of action

Projection of Body Parts & Mirror Image Projection

Strengthen understanding of sidedness and build visual spatial skills

Circle Triangle Singles

Develop the concept of left and right as well as improving motor-planning skills


Develop ability to accurately team the eyes together

See 3 Coins - High Level

Develop fine control over convergence eye movements and spatial awareness at near

Ladybug Fixations

Develop accurate fixations and fine motor coordination

Chalkboard Double O's

Develop motor planning, bilateral coordination and binocular vision

Red Green Saccadic Sticks

Improve eye tracking skill while monitoring for suppression

Circle Trace

Develop sustained and accurate coordination

Ball Games - 3 Ways to Pass and Catch

Develop accurate tracking and hand-eye coordination.

Moro Reflex

Integrate moro reflex to dampen startle reactions and impulsivity

  • Level 1 - Prayer Pose
  • Level 2 - Starfish
  • Level 3 - Duck & Pigeon Walk With Stick
  • Level 4 - Duck & Pigeon Walk With Markers
  • Level 5 - Duck & Pigeon Walk Without Markers
  • Level 6 - Duck & Pigeon Hops
  • Testing

Split Wall Chart

Build accurate eye movement and fixation skill


Tonic Labyrinthine Reflex

  • Level 1 - Earth Hugger
  • Level 2 - Superman
  • Testing

Prism Flips

Strengthen accurate eye flexibility skills